Sunday, July 22, 2012

Boyfriend Jeans 101

So recently I bought a pair of boyfriend jeans from American Eagle Outfitters! Boyfriend jeans are pretty controversial pants because they are super baggy and are not very flattering to our body...BUT they can make cute & bold statements if worn correctly.
You can wear bf jeans with a simple look, like Whitney Port. A simple tank top will keep you looking stylish and chic!

Another look you could try is a plain t-shirt! You would think that you need to wear a more fitting top to balance out the proportions. IN MY OPINION I think this outfit is so cool and edgy, sort of an effortless look. This is a great outfit for a day where you don't feel like getting dressed up, OR you got a dreadful visit from  your "lady friend" ( your period ).
Basically: you could look fashionable without much effort(:
If you aren't into the baggy on top of baggy look, then you could try wearing a top that is more fitting and tucking it into a belt. That way you'll have some sort of shape, at least in the top half of your outfit.
When the weather is dropping you could put on a cozy pullover sweater/jumper. The girl above paired them with a belt and leopard print loafers to give her outfit a nice edge.
Try pairing a button up shirt with one of your jackets and a cute bag.
Whitney Port paired her bf jeans with a blazer and patterned top which made the jeans look a bit more dressed up and spiffy(:
I don't know if you noticed, but most of the outfits that I've shown have heels with their outfits. If you aren't comfortable with hearing heels then you could go with a more casual approach. Rihanna paired her bf jeans with sneakers. I'm not sure but they kind of look like Converses.
All of these ladies have one thing in common: they're wearing boots! Wearing your bf jeans over your boots is a cool way to switch up your outfit and make your casual jeans look more fashionable.

If you were not a fan of boyfriend jeans before, I hope you are now after reading this post
                         ---Erika xo


  1. WHat stores can you find boyfriend jeans? And does it say boyfirend jeans when you go buy the pants?

    1. Well BRIANNA i found my bf jeans at American eagle outfitters. They are pretty hard to find for me, but try fashion forward stores like gap and Zara. And it will say boyfriend or boy fit (:
