Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 3...

Skinny Belts!
I love skinny belts. I think they're really cute and I love how they're so mini. To me, they make your outfits more fashionable. Even though regular belts can give your outfit a fashion boost, skinny belts, to me, just bring that extra something. **SKINNY BELTS ARE ONLY EYE CANDY. THEY ARE NOT DESIGNED TO ACTUALLY HOLD UP YOUR PANTS! Erika



  1. Hello! c: i just wanted to let you know that i love your blog and i have nominated you for the liebster award (:

    here is a link to my blog where you can find out more about this award/tag (:

    (ps, that bow belt is soo cute!!^^)

  2. Thank you! And sure I would love it if we followed each other's blogs.
